Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I love smiling. Smiling’s my favorite.

The amount of grown men I see drinking from juice boxes is disturbing. The fact that the juice boxes are purple certainly doesn’t help matters.

The helpdesk guy on the phone from Monday morning had a nose whistle. Normally I would find this annoying, but for some reason, that morning I found it soothing. This is not to say I want the world to be filled with nose whistlers. That would just be insanity. And something out of a horror film.

I’m pretty sure America has crossed the line. We came close a couple years ago when Fox created the show Man Versus Beast. But we were still on this side of tolerable. But Monday night, Howie Mandel was more than happy to skip, jump, and obsessive-compulsively trot his way across that line. Because George Bush, the President of the United States, appeared on Deal or No Deal. Oh Howie. Why couldn’t you stop at “Walk Like A Man?” Please tell me I’m not the only one who sees how very, very wrong this is.

I was going to write about how great it is that London has a seemingly endless amount of amazing neighborhoods to explore, but when I tried to form my thoughts into words, I realized I suck at writing seriously and what I had written was crap. Sorry.

*music – My eyes are glued, my lips are chaffed My legs are prickling, and plus I’m stinky today

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