Friday, April 18, 2008

Do I watch House or read my book?

It was really difficult for me to find cottage cheese in Tesco. I figured they would call it something completely different, so every item near the yogurt and other curdled cheese product section I had to scrutinize carefully. I must have picked up five different items that seemed like the could be British for ‘cottage cheese,’ but in the end, I was pleasantly surprised to find actual cottage cheese near the regular cheese section. (This was a pretty lame story, wasn’t it?)

Slow news day I guess….headline on
Martha Stewart’s dog dies

If I needed any more proof that British people have some fucked up taste in food, well I certainly found it in the vending machine at work in the form of Prawn Cocktail flavored potato chips.

I apologize for the lack of ‘meaningful’ writing lately. Hopefully I will have some bouts of inspiration this weekend. Although it will be Passover so I’m not making any guarantees; you don’t know what large amounts of matzah can do to a person.

*music – And you said ‘This is the first day of my life,’ I’m glad I didn’t die before I met you

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