Sunday, April 13, 2008

Enormously tight

Sometimes on my way to work I’ll play the Peter Gunn theme on my mp3 player and pretend like I work as a secret agent or some other kind of job that’s really important and sinisterly cool. It makes my day a little more awesome.

I’m not sure if he’s still trying to make his way onto my blog since he’s no longer in London, but in any case, here’s what my dad had to say on the phone the other day (I told you he was obsessed with hippos):
“There’s all types of poo, but hippo poo is not the kind you wanna deal with.”

It’s helpful to know that few food items exist in nature that are naturally blue. That way, if just before you bite into a chicken salad sandwich you see something small and blue, you know that it shouldn’t be there and it’s okay to go ahead and pick that shit out.

Overheard at work:
“Motorcycles are more expensive than children.”
“Yeah, but they’re more fun.”

This weekend around the city of London I saw references to Lendlease, Old Mutual, and F&C (which was actually advertised on the side of a cab), inducing BBH mutual fund flashbacks to memories I thought I had sufficiently blocked from my mind. Then I later saw the Blackrock office and it took all my strength not to go inside and give them a piece of my mind for leaving a million voicemails on my work phone telling me “the transmission didn’t go through last night.” Right. Because I’m responsible for that.

I carry a little CVS notebook around with me wherever I go to write down the funny things people say about children and motorcycles, music I want to download, and the things Graham does. Apparently Susan got a hold of my notebook while we were in Ireland and left me a nice little note that I actually found while she was still here, but decided not to write about until I got to the actual page in the notebook:
“You are short and an idiot. I love you! Susan (your best friend)”
It just warms your heart, doesn’t it?

*music – I love the way she bites her lip, I love the way she shakes them hips, I love the way she makes me drool, I think that she is beautiful

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