Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ashlee Simpson is preggo (maybe)

Can you believe that I’ve been in London for the same amount of time I was in Sydney? That is just mind-boggling to me.

Global forecast:
Boston – warmer than London
Sydney – warmer than London
Miami – a lot warmer than London

On Saturday I went to Borough Market. My somewhat-boss in Boston told me I should go there and it’s been on my list of places to see since I came to London. Despite the insane crowds (I was stupid and went around noon instead of 8 am) and the rain, it was a pretty impressive place. Lots of food and drink stalls as well as fruits, veggies, meats, and cheese vendors. I bought a hot, mulled pear drink which was delicious, but was too preoccupied with taking pictures to buy anything else. I will definitely go back some other Saturday to take advantage of the rest of the market.

Like the picture says, these are Coconut Drops Cakes, whatever that means. I think the sign could have read Heaven In Cluster Form and it would have been the same thing.

Another thing I have realized about myself since coming to London (and Paris for that matter)…I love bread. It is delicious. I’m pretty sure I’d rather down a box of laxatives and wash it down with a tall, cool glass of Metamucil than go on Atkins.

This was probably the hardest stall not to buy something from. They had chocolate-covered everything. Maybe I’ll just scoop as much out of all the different bags with my hands as I can. They won’t mind, right? They certainly won’t make me put it back.

I would love to take credit for this awesome photo, but really, it was all the sun’s doing. Potatoes have never looked better though, huh?

And here is the famous purple broccoli. Okay, maybe famous isn’t the word. Strange? Bizarre? Mutatingly odd?

*music – September I light the candles at your sweet sixteen, October Romeo and Juliet on Halloween, November I’ll give thanks that you belong to me, December you’re the present ‘neath my Christmas tree

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