Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pickles the Fire Cat

Tuesday night I talked to this Spanish lady at a bar for about 20 minutes. I think I understood maybe 4 words she said. Then she went to the bathroom and my friend Cass came over and I told her, “I didn’t understand a fucking word she just said to me.” Cass knew the lady and replied saying, “She’s been in this country for 5 years and she still can’t speak English very well.” “5 years?! I thought she said she’d only been here for 6 months! Okay, I REALLY have no idea what she’s been saying to me.”

Newspaper joke of the day: “What’s E.T. short for? Because he has little legs.” (I’m teling you – these jokes are awesome.)

I went to a film festival preview tonight (I got tickets through which has been a gem of a find for a cheap bastard like myself). I had never been to one of these before so I didn’t know what to expect. Basically it was somewhat of a Who’s Who in London sitting in a posh theater watching 3 minute clips of indie flicks. I invited Cass to come along with me because she knows a lot of those folks and is a great people person. The movies themselves were just okay, but it was awesome getting into the after-party drinks and cake shindig. One woman came up to the two of us and asked who we were with. Not being a very quick thinker, I just stood there with my mouth open (the name of my company would not have sufficed as an answer in this scenario). Cass, however, was a little more creative and said we were with the South African Film Journal. She could have said we were with the Clovelly Lawn Bowling club of Australia and the woman would have had the same overly enthusiastic reaction as she handed us some flyer that we immediately hid under a pile of napkins. Cass and I then spent the rest of the night perfecting our story of who we are and what we do. Unfortunately, no one else asked.

I’m telling you – it has been a whirlwind of activity this past week. I haven’t gotten nearly enough sleep and next week isn’t going to be any better. Although it’s totally worth it because all the things I’m doing rock so hard. Here’s a preview:

Friday: Violin concert
Saturday day: Paintball
Saturday night: Dinner with Eric, Larry, and Jacqueline
Saturday late night: Going to a club (gasp! I know!)
Sunday: Going to see a taping of “Don’t Forget The Lyrics” (the British version of ‘The Singing Bee’ I think…or whatever show Joey Fatone hosts)
Monday: Going to see a taping of “The Book Quiz” (a tv quiz show about literature)
Tuesday/Thursday: One of these nights I’m going to an awesome-looking pizza restaurant in Soho with Dipak
Wednesday: Going to see a taping of “Through the Keyhole” (a tv quiz show where a celebrity panel has to guess another celebrity just by looking at video footage of their home and belongings)
Friday: A magazine publicity event at a club downtown

I can sleep when I die, I guess.

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