Thursday, February 7, 2008

Excuse me while I rant…

Here is a list of things I highly dislike:

· Groups of people who take up the entire sidewalk while walking at a snail’s pace making it damn near impossible to get anywhere in less than 4 hours
· If you are female and shorter than 5’2” or male and shorter than 5’4” and people around you literally step on you or walk right into you because they just DON’T SEE YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE SO LITTLE
· The fact that crossing an ocean means you pronounce words like “assume,” “issues,” and “schedule” in a strange way
· Body odor
· Splenda that comes in tablet form instead of a powder form
· Not knowing where my laundry room is
· Pantyhose
· Going to a play and not paying attention to the plot because all I can focus on is the spittle flying out of the actor’s mouth and coming quite close to landing on me

However, to try and not be completely negative, here is a supplementary list of things I enjoy:

· Kevin Spacey and Jeff Goldblum (especially when I get to see them LIVE!)
· Coming home to find my cupboard and showerhead fixed
· British accents
· Snap peas
· Knowing that I will buy at least two more pairs of Doc Martens before I leave this country
· Hearing witty dialogue and thinking “I should totally write a play/screenplay/novel” even though I know there’s pretty much no chance it’ll happen
· Kittens

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