Sometimes I am amazed at the things I stumble upon in this city. Saturday I was walking along the river after a somewhat successful day of testing in the office (this time my computer actually decided to work!) and all of a sudden there were a whole bunch of jets in formation flying above. I'd say there were about 10 or so different groups of them. I have no idea what they were, why they were doing fly-over's in London, or whether they were headed towards Kate Middleton's backyard.

I got bored waiting for the Tube, so I started taking pictures of things.

They didn't look that heavy to me; maybe they're just retaining water.

I don't know if you heard about this or not, but this is a telescope that sees from London to New York. It's rising up through the ground here in London right in front of Town Hall. When I saw people looking into the lens and waving, I turned to Eric and said, "Wait, a minute, they can actually
see people in New York? I thought it was just a prop?" To which he replied, "Yes, they actually built a telescope that goes through the middle of the Earth and when you look in, you can see straight through to America." Touche, Eric. Touche. (Just to clarify, there's a camera on both telescopes so you actually can see each other. But as Tenacious D would say, we don't have the technology yet to build a telescope through the Earth's core.)

Saturday was the World Naked Bike Ride in London. It was pretty much what it sounds like - naked people riding bikes through the city of London. In case you can't read what the pamphlet says, the mission of the ride was to: Protest Against Oil Dependency; Curb Car Culture; Celebrate Body Freedom. Oh and yes, that IS an image of E.T. in the upper right hand corner. I staked out a good spot on a park bench right at the beginning in Hyde Park and took as many pictures as possible without seeming
too perverted (mission probably not accomplished). Clearly I can't send you the pictures I took of the ride because I'm pretty sure I would get fired for that. So if you want to see some funny-yet-disturbing pictures of naked people riding bikes, go to the blog ( as I've posted some there.
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