I'm telling you that Brits are obsessed with ice cream. I enjoyed my first cone (half mint chocolate chip, half pralines and cream) in Brighton and was absolutely delighted to find that they put crack or something as equally addicting in the cones here...the actual cone, I mean, not the ice cream. It just tasted flakier, deliciouser, and wonderfuler somehow. It took everything I had not to steal both of these kids' cones and run away giggling. (The kid on the left will be a plumber one day.)

This was part of the entranceway to the burned-down West Pier. I'm telling you. Graffiti in England is like strewn Dunkin Donuts cups in America; they're everywhere.

In addition to bull riding, a scrambler, a haunted house, and bumpah cahs, the beach was home to this weird bungee "ride." You strap on a harness (let's hope the JPM filter doesn't pick this up) and after the cords are released, you go flying into the air inciting oohs and aahs from the crowd. And if you're this guy, you do somersaults over and over again both impressing this little lady taking your picture, but also making her want to throw up a little bit.

Normally I don't like crowds. But for some reason I wasn't bothered by the throngs of people crawling out of their hibernation caves during the first genuinely hot weekend we had here. I'm pretty sure it was the ice cream that appeased me.

And then there was the rockin' guitar and bass. They sounded as awesome as they look.
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