Correct me if I'm wrong, but that sure does look like a unicorn gargoyle outside Hampton Court, doesn't it? Now that's my kind of palace!

One of the inside courts of the palace. Looks like someone had one good idea for a window pattern and got a little carried away, no?

This is a man wearing uneven socks looking longingly at a sundial. Pretty self-explanatory. Well actually, wait. No. No, I can't think of ANY explanation as to why he was doing this.

They're not cankles, it's just the way my legs were resting on the ground! (That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.)

One of the 7 gardens surrounding the palace had these cute little mushroom-shaped trees everywhere. They were great for shade and picture-taking. I could have spent the entire day just lounging underneath one of them, but bearded-Marie would have wrung my neck if I was late back to the bus so I didn't.
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