Saturday, January 9, 2010

Beards! Beards!

I've been cooking a lot lately. It all started with my "New Year's Resolution" to eat healthier/eat one veggie a day. You have no idea how much kale, spinach, collard greens, green beans, and zucchini I've eaten in the past three weeks. And zucchini isn't even in season! I guess that's not all that exciting and doesn't necessitate an exclamation point, but I did it anyway. Point is, I'm eating vegetables. And my gastrointestinal system (and my co-workers) are paying dearly for it.

I'm hooked on Veronica Mars. I think I once promised myself I would never religiously watch a tv show from the WB, but I've gone and blasphemized. (It's a word.) Hoo boy does it feel good. Kristen Bell? Why was I not obsessed with her earlier?

As embarrassing as it is to admit, I really like Ke$ha's songs. That's right. I said it.

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