Thursday, April 24, 2008


B: Dude, who?
A: Jennifer Garner. She would definitely give up her daughter for world peace.
B: I don't know. She's not really into that UN shit like Angelina or Clooney. What about Joe Pesci?
A: Does that guy even have kids?
B: I dunno...I think he's married to some supermodel chick or something.
A: You just made that up, didn't you?
B: Are you going to that thing tonight?
A: What thing?
B: Jessica's party or whatever. She mentioned it at the bar on Saturday.
A: I don't The Apprentice on?
B: Fuck you and The Apprentice. That show is corrupting America.
A: No more than your mother.
B: Nice one. You read that in a book?
A: No,
B: I'll have to bookmark it.
A: Rent's due on Monday. Don't forget.
B: I'll be sure to put a reminder post-it on my forehead.
A: Fuck you. I was just trying to be nice. Watch the news last night?
B: No. What happened?
A: This bear in California killed his trainer. Bit him right in the neck.
B: No shit? Polar bear?
A: No, asshole. Brown bear or some shit. But can you imagine getting bit in the neck by a bear?
B: Wouldn't his whole head have fallen off? It must have been a big bite, right? Those things don't give little love bites.
A: No, I think his head was in tact. They didn't show pictures, though.
B: Shit.
A: Yeah.
B: I'm thinking about calling that Vicki chick.
A: The one from work?
B: Yeah.
A: You think that's a good idea? Doesn't she report to you?
B: Technically, yes. But she's in like, a totally different department.
A: Doesn't sound like a good idea, B. What does she look like?
B: Solid 8. The only thing's she's got this weird laugh. It's like a high pitched giggle. It's embarrassing.
A: Good thing you're not funny.
B: Dick.
A: No seriously though. If you like her, go for it. Just don't let your whole office know about it. Look what happened to Scott.
B: That guy was an idiot. He banged Julie in the employee lounge.
A: I'm just saying.
B: Yeah, okay. Orioles won again.
A: Oh goody, let me update my blog.
B: Fuck you.

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