Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The First of Many

Well hello again. Or for the first time for those who didn't suffer through my Sydney ramblings.

I just want to give everyone a heads up - Friday, January 18, I will be moving to London for 6 months and YOUR lives will forever be different. For you, my friends and family, will be bombarded with near-daily, inane, silly, embarrassing, probably too long, and definitely inappropriate emails. They'll be sort of blog-ish, but it won't be a blog because a) I can't be bothered to do that, b) I don't really know how to start one and since I've become a cranky old lady who fears change and learning new things, I won't be researching how, and c) you all probably won't want to check a blog everyday whereas I know you'll check your email on a somewhat consistent basis.

As for the reason why I'm going to London, let's just suffice it to say that my company is sending me there to help work on the same project I've been working on in Boston/Sydney for the past year and a half or so. We have a new (albeit finicky) website that our clients can access on their own time to get their financial information and data and since it's in the beginning stages, it needs a lot of testing. I get to help test it. Or rather, I get to wander one of the world's greatest cities and then travel to the rest of Europe on my weekends in exchange for making a brief appearance at an office everyday.

Rules of my emails you should know and adhere to:
1) If you want out of the distribution list, just email me and I'll take you off the list. I will tell you that I'm not offended, but in reality I will assume you hate my guts.
2) The emails will not start until I arrive in London and have access to my email server (this took a good two weeks in London, so please, don't be sad/worried in the beginning).
3) This rule you must obey as if your life depended on it and, in fact, it does. DO NOT. DO NOT. DO NOT REPLY TO ALL. No one likes that. Don't be that guy.

So that's it. I hope you all will enjoy reading my updates as much as I enjoy sending them.

Your little world-traveler,

P.S. No need to inform me - I already know that fanny means the same thing in the UK as it does in Sydney.

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