Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Where is the friggin' double click on this mother?

Here's what I like about twitter.  I can post "heh heh hehn knitting" (CLEARLY a reference to Pee Wee's Big Adventure) and all of a sudden I will get an email telling me that Nancy Queen is now following my tweet.  Turns out, Nancy Queen is somewhat of a knitting freak and probably tags words like "crochet" "knit" "old grannies" and "fibercon" in any and all tweets.  Maybe I'll post some fake updates just for her.  Something along the lines of "Just finished my 47th hat; this has got to be a one day record!"  Or maybe "Has anyone successfully crocheted a g-string?  My mom's birthday is tomorrow and I'm screwed!"

Life advice #89:  If you make lentils with a lot of garlic and then put them in the fridge for leftovers, your entire fridge will soon smell like an anti-vampire convention (or at least I can only assume).  Needless to say...don't do that.

Tonight I opened a brand new Sweatin' to the Oldies.  This was one of the originals.  The VHS was still in the plastic wrapping and the fatties on the front were wearing acid washed jeans.  Totally retro, totally awesome.  It's just too bad that I can't figure out how to get my living room VCR working.  So now my only choice is to watch it on my bedroom tv while I fall asleep.  I'm pretty sure only bad things can happen when entering REM at the same time Richard Simmons is yelling at you to firm your ass cheeks.  

One of these days I will either fall off the treadmill whilst running or, after stepping off the treadmill, I will be so dizzy and discombobulated that I will stumble into someone else's crotch while they're on the elliptical.  Either way the gym will become verrrrrry awkward after that.  I'll keep you posted.

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