Is it a full moon? It's got to be. Because people are friggin' crazy today. Last week at work I obsessively flipped between and to pass away the time. I was just bored to tears. And all of a sudden it's like I have no time to breathe. People in Edinburgh are yelling at me in emails, people in Luxembourg are laughing so hard on conference calls that they are snorting, and people in Boston are so stressed they're reclining in their chairs and splaying their limbs everywhere. It's all very distracting.
Chris Wyman is convinced that when Patrick Swayze dies, they will play a marathon of his movies. ALL his movies....not just the one good one. Which means that I will have to suffer through Point Break. Again. I, on the other hand, am pretty sure that TNT will only play Dirty Dancing. There's no denying it; it was a strange conversation to have.
Yesterday I went over to Theresa's house around 2:30 and left around 10:30. It's weird, but I think we paid the most attention to each other in the car to and from her house. When we went grocery shopping, we were concerned with why Stop & Shop doesn't carry Peter Pan peanut butter and whether or not to buy fat free mozzarella cheese or 2%. Then, when we got to her apartment, I was concerned with uploading my video to youtube (not successful) and she was preoccupied with taking a shower. And then we watched some tv while both playing on our own computers. So, not really paying attention to the tv or each other then either. We kinda glanced up as we ate our pizza, but not really. It's amazing how 8 hours can feel like only 2 when you're not paying attention to anything. This is why I feel like my weekend hasn't started yet. I want a do-over.
Now it's 8:08. I should be out listening to the Megillah and twirling my noisemaker while eating hamantashen. But I'm pretty sure sitting here drinking decaf coffee while checking blogs counts the same. Right? Right, God?

There is absolutely no way I looked up while inhaling that pizza. I want a retraction. :)
I can only assume that by saying "the one good one" you mean that the rest range from "excellent" to "modern classic." Especially Black Dog.
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